糿, , :: Great Shadow Koala Wild Grizli (GS K.W.G.): ϲ The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed ( ) - ²

Great Shadow Koala Wild Grizli (GS K.W.G.): ϲ The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed ( ) - ²
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ϲ The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed ( )

The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed_ .mp3

Worn by legends,
sung in songs.
They were glorious -
they sounded on the lips.

The best warriors -
brave and strong.
And we are their descendants -
glorious Cossacks.

Where there is no ford -
through fire,
through water.
The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed.

They went on campaigns fearlessly,
the horse growled under them.
When it was difficult for them -
God himself protected them.

Fast as the wind
and cunning as a fox.
Their blood has courage
their nose can smell evil.

Where there is no ford -
through fire,
through water.
The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed.

Closer than a wife
and instead of all friends.
Their sword shone -
it kept everyone in fear.

They didn't fly on seagulls,
but sailed along the Dnieper.
Storms bypassed them -
as they sailed across the Black Sea.

Where there is no ford -
through fire,
through water.
The Cossack clan cannot be destroyed. 


ϳ -  .   ,       AI.    Pinterest. ³ -Sonic

The song is the English version. The text is my own, the music and vocals are generated by artificial intelligence AI. Image taken from Pinterest. Sonya-Sonic video montage

ID:  1031191
: ϳ
² :
: ϳ
: 21.01.2025 04:23:51
© i: 23.01.2025 01:27:31
Great Shadow Koala Wild Grizli (GS K.W.G.)

1 ()

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Leskiv, 21.01.2025 - 11:12
12 12 12 16 12 Your work is wonderful. Unfortunately not all our citizens seem to be descendants of brave cossacks.Especially those who rule the country.Many of them seem to come to Ukraine from another planet, the planet of cowards and traitors. 17
I agree, and there are several songs dedicated to what you described, and I will post them later when I edit the video.

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