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Woody Paul Grey :: PINK LAGOON (11)


   George had spent weeks in the library looking through different sources of information, before he could say:" Yes, that`s it. Now I`m totally ready!Let`s do it". He arranged the meeting with the captain to discuss the details of the secret operation under the code:" SINKING INTO THE DEPTH OF THE OCEAN".
   -"Hello, Mr. McLain! Are you really sure you want to go down to the bottom of the ocean alone, without any outer support?" - asked anxiously the captain of the ship, an experienced sailor(40 years as the ship captain).
   -"No, captain. I didn`t change my mind. I still do want to make a revolution in the sphere of researching the ocean, its inhabitants, environment, etc. Don`t worry, I`ll be all right. The modern bathyscaphe I`ve created is very solid, multi functional and it`ll help me to survive in the most difficult situation." - replied I.
   -" But why alone? There`re so many scientists, researchers, specialists in oceanography ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of science, new discoveries, inventions." - the man tried really very hard to persuade George not to spare his life.
   -" i`ve told you captain, that I`m not a profound specialist in machines and the ocean. I`m just an amateur. When I wanted to register my creation the governmental clerks didn`t even give me the licence. So, whatever I will do, i`ll do it non officially  and only in case i`ll be right and I`ll have enough samples, pictures, video and audio facts. Only then I`ll do another chance to do it officially." - answered I.
   -"O.K.,George. I see, that you have made your mind and, actually, I believe in you. So, let`s do it. What concern`s me? I`m old enough to be afraid to lose my licence."- answered the captain confidently.
    -"So, I go inside the bathyscaphe and you`ll do the rest, just drop me, as soon as ,you`ll be ready." - we finally shook hands, hugged each other warmly and I went down.
   In a couple of minutes I was inside my baby totally ready for the sinking into the unknown.
   -"George, good luck and call me when you`ll finish your mission!" - 
   -"Sure thing, captain! Good bye!"
   -"Bye! God bless you, man! Take care of yourself!"
   -"I will. Thank you ever so much!"
   -"The pleasure was all mine!"
   I decided not to switch the lights until the cruise liner will be far away. My vehicle was functioning just fine. The real journey, of which I was dreaming about for so long, began. In fact, I didn`t tell the truth to my only friend, Clark. Why? Only now, I realized how stupid of me, was to tell him that I`m bored of life and decided to commit a suicide the most expensive and weird way. But it was too late. What was done, is done. That`s it. Currently, I start my life from the new page. 
   First and foremost, let me describe the bathyscaphe " Ocean challenger 2022". So, it`s a three level  up-to-date totally glassy ocean vehicle, which could be easily operated  even by a child, as there`re so many sensors on it, that it reminds a very sophisticated robot. By the way, I can just switch on the  autopilot regime and go to sleep. It should be mentioned, the bathyscaphe is very comfortable, though very, very expensive. So, it consists, first of all, of the deck cabin, which I prefer to call my study room, then comes a living room, kitchen and a dining room, bathroom, WC, sauna and even a small swimming room, not to mention the GYM.
   On the second floor there`s a very comfortable bedroom and a huge library. And on the third level there`s an observation  hall, where I`ll be able to do my research work, as a scientist.   
                                          - II -
         08:30 - 10:30   24/01/2018    Ivano-Frankivsk

ID:  773044
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 24.01.2018 09:36:31
© дата внесення змiн: 24.01.2018 19:55:24
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Малиновская Марина, 24.01.2018 - 19:37
12 17 19 23 31 32 give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose
Малиновская Марина відповів на коментар Woody Paul Grey, 24.01.2018 - 20:40
give_rose Меня искренне восхищает Ваше знание иностранного языка!!! Я когда-то делала успехи в английском, но за отсутствием практики потеряла свой уровень.... но что-то понимаю... по Вашим текстам можно учиться... friends 22 22 19
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Малиновская Марина, 24.01.2018 - 21:48
That`s a great Idea! Just imagine, that I`m an American, who has no clue, how to talk Ukrainian or Russian. I`m amazed by your poetry skills. You`re a real MASTER of WORD. Keep on writing your romantic, sweet, breathtaking poems making happy everyone, who reads and enjoys them. And you`ve got a lot of followers and fans. Bravo! And thank you very much for your tender comments! hi hi 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 19 21 22 23 31 32 39 give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose
Лилея, 24.01.2018 - 09:42
16 39 16 39 16 39 16 39 16 39 16 39 16 39 16 39 flo36 flo36
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Лилея, 24.01.2018 - 09:44
give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose

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