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Pearl Poet :: Біографія
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Pearl Poet


Pearl Poet :: Біографія

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

“The Pearl Poet” is also called the “Gawain Poet”. He probably lived in the second half of the fourteenth century. Not much is known of this author, except that he wrote Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Cleanness, and Pearl. These four poems are preserved in a unique manuscript (BL Cotton Nero A.x.). The Pearl-Poet uses alliterative verse throughout his works which was flowering at that time. He is therefore one of the representatives of the so-called 'alliterative revival'. His use of concepts of theology and biblical stories and of classical works show that he must have been an educated and well-read man. His very detailed descriptions of hunting scenes and court festivities, of heraldry, and of armour reveal an intimate familiarity with courtly life, but this is about all we can learn of him through his texts.

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