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Henry VIII :: Критика
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Henry VIII


Henry VIII :: Критика

Творчість | Біографія | Критика

Second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII came to the throne in 1509 very young and united the houses of York and Lancaster, the white and red roses. Having been tutored by the poet John Skelton, and entrusting government for the first decade of his reign to Cardinal Wolsey, the young king devoted himself to scholarship, writing songs, court revels, music, hunting, riding, and jousting. Although married to his deceased brother's widow Catherine of Aragon, Henry enjoyed the love of other women. His songs appear to date ca. 1509-20. At least one of them, "Lusty Youth should us ensure", is from a court play. By valuing poetry, the first English Renaissance prince set an example for later court poets, such as Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Surrey.

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