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Woody Paul Grey :: DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR (3)


   That fine, sunny, winter day became the last one for my first animal friend, who was simply killed, because my parents needed fresh meat and they didn`t care of my tears and I, a small kid, couldn`t  defend my friend, as, by that time I didn`t talk yet, though, at that early age I learned my first lesson - what is good and what is wrong, though, still better to say, evil.
   My mum was a real beauty in her youth. She was quite tall, as for the  woman, slender, with very long dark, thick hair, blue eyes, real beauty, as for me. I remember pictures of her at that time, when I was just a baby. She was also so kind and sweet to me and dad.
   My father was also rather handsome, though, he was not so tall with dark wavy hair, brown eyes, sporty figure. They both liked to sing very much. My dad skilfully played the guitar and late in the evening they always had a singalong party of two. Actually, they were really good singers. They looked so happy those days. In fact, I was happy too, and my younger sister and then, a little bit later, came our kid brother. We were quite a friendly family.
   Everything changed one summer, while we were visiting our grandparents. It was for the first time, that I witnessed the family fight. I just couldn`t believe my ears - my gorgeous mum was arguing with her  younger bother,  teaching him how he should live. I don`t remember exactly, how old I was then, though, I know for sure, that by that time, I realized, that it was my uncles business, but not hers, to decide how to live his own, adult life. I remember, that I looked at my mothers face at the moment of family quarrel and it was no more beautiful - it was ugly. It was so weird for me  to witness that transformation. And on the contrary, my uncles face, no matter what, was handsome and kept on smiling. Due to my mum the whole family was against him and he was smiling. I was so proud of him and so disappointed by my mum. Since that time the whole family stopped any communication with my uncle. He turned out to be the first victim, but, unfortunately, not the least. 
   By the way, now and then, I returned back to that poor animal that was the first sacrifice and after that started a long chain of "destructions" in my family and not only and my mother`s beauty started fading  away. First she cut her beautiful dark, thick and made that ugly hairdo. Now she looked like the average woman in her community loosing her special identity. I just couldn`t understand why? By the way, since that first serious family fight something changed in the relationship of my dad and mum - less kindness and love, as well as, less singalong parties. Trying to destroy her brother`s family my mum began to destroy her own  family life.    

                                      - II -
   23:15 - 23:55 21/01/2018 Ivano-Frankivsk

ID:  772662
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 21.01.2018 23:57:58
© дата внесення змiн: 22.01.2018 08:03:01
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Лилея, 22.01.2018 - 00:13
У меня хорошая новость! Мои родные, владеющие английским языком, прилетели сегодня с Парижа...будем читать и переводить...мне ж интересно!
Успехов!!! Вдохновения!!!
16 16 19 22 22 21 31 32
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Лилея, 22.01.2018 - 00:19
Thank you very much indeed! That`s really a good news! Best luck of the year! give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose

ДО ВУС синоніми
Синонім до слова:  Бутылка
ixeldino: - Пляхан, СкляЖка
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Svitlana_Belyakova: - базiкати
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  візаві
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Ти: - "древній грек")
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Leskiv: - Пречудово :12:
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Enol: - віч-на-віч на вічність
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Синонім до слова:  говорити
dashavsky: - патякати
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Пантелій Любченко: - вербалити
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Маргіз: - Мигавиця, кольорова мигавиця
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Юхниця Євген: - смолоскиподення
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Ніжинський: - пробудниця-зоряниця
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Enol: - ну що - нічого?
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Enol: - та, що іонізоване сяйво
Синонім до слова:  Бабине літо
Маргіз: - Осіннє танго
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Маргіз: - Вірний - однолюб
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