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Aire Ni: Rain, I love solely rain… - ВІРШ
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Rain, I love solely rain…

Aire Ni :: Rain, I love solely rain…
Rain, I love solely rain...
  She ...and her Old Friend...
  The drops of rain. They are so cold, when they are falling on the warm skin. Tears, salt tears are washed off by rain together with grief, sorrow and troubles. The tears themselves seem to be wiped off from the head and clarity and some kind of emptiness comes. You start to feel yourself warmer from this emptiness. Warmth comes that is inspiring to the soul and you feel indefinite but well and carelessly. Nothing and nobody confuses you. Your thoughts, feelings, heart and soul are free. You just freeze. Freeze in time. And time is going to move with the same speed in this intricate world, skirting you avoiding. The time is flowing and moving, and you are out of reach of this time, this life. Even your breath becomes slower bit by bit. The time is frozen for you and nothing bothers you anymore. Does not bother you. Does not bother for several minutes already. And then with quick motion you are again in this time, having taken the breath. A deep breath of life and this vanity. Everything stands on its place, only you are standing here and your thoughts are far away like you. The breath and the world absorbs you again. And you feel the drops on your face. All your clothes have already become wet. But it does not matter anymore. And only thoughts again and again are coming back, like bugs hive near the tree in the search of sap. And these feelings. They are all different and unique. Every moment is so unique and wonderful. And You can't feel it. You feel nothing at all. You don't live, you just exist...
  - Rain, I love solely rain... - the only words she pronounced for such a long time, which she spent alone that day. The day, when they would meet. She always came round the corner of this deserted building and thought about everything, but that day there was a heavy shower, and even that did not stop her. The Building, she was attracted by His loneliness. They were similar to each other but still so different. The House and She. It was like they knew one another for many years and they knew everything about one another. They spent each day here together. They communicated, exchanged feelings. She sometimes cuddled up to him, like He was her soul mate, she cried, and he listened to her every time, every event in her life, he felt with her in return. In response, he told her what was in the past, how he was loved, how he suffered and how he was left alone by Himself. They were similar. She liked it, so did He. They found for each other something that was connecting them.
  - See You soon. I must go now... - She moved aside from the wall of her Old Friend and went as always to her job. To that ugly and disgusting job. She had never told Him, but He always could feel it...
  He... and his Ally..
  Thirst, there is so much thirst in this body. And blood, the blood filled with life of others is flowing in your veins, giving you power and zeal. You can't feel anything at all but thirst and horrific hunger. But Thirst and hunger. Blood lust. Warm blood. It warms and spreads in your body, filling up every organ, every part with life and continuation, with continuation of his existence. He doesn't remember who he is and what he is, he feels only thirst, lust. In this dark night She is his Ally, who is warming him like a mistress. Every night he, hidden with darkness of the streets and alleyways, searches for his victim, lures like the spider attracts a butterfly into his web. He digs into the skin, into the skin of naive girls, who believe the handsome stranger and trust in him, and he drinks out their blood, their life. After all life was taken away from him once, and he decided to take away the others' life. He hates people, he can't stand them, and he can't bear their nature, their smell, their essence. And this thirst is intertwined with his hatred, making him to continue his hunt for existence. And today this rain, it cools him. It cools him down. Last time he is thinking what for he needs it, having insured in the inanity and irregularity. But Thirst and hatred swallow up his thoughts, these feeling about the end, just to continue the life inside of him. They have found a good host. Thirst, She is like the parasiter has swallowed him up and now doesn't want to lose her treasure by the cost of the other people's lives, alive people.
  - Rain, I love solely rain... - he turned around abruptly, pulled on the collar of the jacket as high as he could, and made his way slowly to the streets, crowded with people, fool of clubs, all sorts of entertaining abominations. The hunt again. It doesn't matter who and what for, matters only the feeling of slaking the thirst.
  The encounter ...he and she...
  She was walking home from this dirty work, she was walking back home, she called in such a way the place where nobody was waiting for her, it was empty and served as refuge for her body and soul. She was walking lately along these streets inflated with lust. It was all the same. The darkness of the streets, narrow streets, emptiness and hollowness, it meant nothing for her. She didn't care what would happen the next moment. She was walking and only the drops of worm and measured rain comforted her and her fool of loneliness soul.
  He was walking softly and in cold blood, delighted with rain, looking and observing the loving couples, just passers-by and those, who sells themselves so profitably every night. All of this has become loathsome for him. They are alive and waste their lives so unpardonably and in vain. But he does not. Only thirst was inside of him, strengthening him, strengthening to proceed this intorable and unbearable, disgusting way.
   It did not stop raining, banishing people, who have where to hide, those, whom somebody is waiting, leaving only loneliness, loneliness of the streets and human souls. The rain was warming her by its parts and was cooling down his thirst, who would burn him out any time.
  He saw her and decided that she would be the next, his breakfast, his dinner and his supper at once and purposefully made his way to the new victim. He matched her and they went together. He suffered from thirst, and she was indifferent to everything. The rain was watching and watching them from high above, as he always did so. The drops were falling the same slow and measurely from the sad sky, making this city and it"s streets with sorrow, silent with melancholic noise of autumn rain. Just the clicks of her heels were heard and him and her. The sound of the rain and the heels were like the heart-beating of the city. She was making her way to her Old Friend, even not noticing the presence of the spoiler, who sharpened his fangs hoping to get her life, and she helps him by going to the darkest street, where nobody lives, where there will be no witnesses. It is favourable for him. But she is indifferent. He was even astonished that such a pretty girl is walking along with him and even doesn't notice him. She is walking with him along deserted side-street, which leads to her Old Friend. He could not understand, why she, so life, but goes without sorting out the street.
  She turns into the corner of the House, walks along and leans her elbows on the wall of her Old Friend, and he is standing in front of her and observes her look.
  He doesn't see any emotion on her face, and he could not understand why so alive human is felt so lifeless. Why he can't feel the presence of life. Perhaps it just seems to him and his Thirst is not so strong. But, no. all the same Ally with the obstinate character is still inside of him, seizes, owns him, without giving herself the weak-point for retreat.
  She noticed her company only when he was in front f her. She was interested why he went with her and how long it continued,what purpose he is following. Does he want to kill, to rape, to maim? Let. Indifferent. She bent her head aside, but by her side eye-sight she sees his face, jacket, all his features and this dead cold, but every part of him craves for something, that she even cannot understand if he is dead or still alive.
  They were standing in front of each other and were observing, and only rain was the witness for them.
  Life or death...
  The thirst is boiling in him and claims that it's time. Every part of his body wants to live and that is why it is time to start the meal, disgusting as it may be. He with a jerk is standing closely, turning away from the wall. He leans her body to the wall, but she does not resist, and with his hand, he removes her wet hair, which started to curl because of rain, and digs his fangs into her neck. Her blood spills over into his body, but there is no life in it, the blood seems to die earlier than it's hostess, owner.- He feels only pain and indifference. And she did not even screamed, she was already somewhere, this time she also flew out of this world, the time stopped for her. He does not want; he stops wanting her death. He slowly turns and looks into her empty eyes and hears only one phrase, which he knew all before:
  - Rain, I love solely rain... - so silently and quietly, like from another world, another dimension.
  - So, do I... - his voice turned her back, like thunder in the blue it sounded in her head and made her awaken from long spoor. She was looking at him with eyes full of confusion, which were filling with tears, and he was standing and smiling, having shown his fangs, and the drop of blood was visible in the angle of the mouth, which did not surprise or embarrass her, and the Thirst was going away gradually, he was driving her away on his own, looking into revived eyes. She gently leaned her finger to his soft and wee lips, trying to wipe it away. He smiled again, but it was the real smile, sincere smile, which was the first in this life.
  She was crying, weeping, and he was smiling and smiling, cuddling her. He felt that his body was warmed with her, and she that her hot bitterness is cooled with his in response. He wanted to hug her, and he was hugging her, cuddling her as loose as he could by his slim and pale hands, hugging till the drops of her soul rain did not stop to fall on his wet shirt.
  What is going to be further?
  They were looking at each other as two acquaintances, who had not seen one another .for ages, like friends, wife and husband, strangers, lovers, brother and sister. They were so different and so close two souls. But death and life separated them, and they realized it...
  The rain was witness, and the Old Friend neither was glad, nor sad...


ID:  592061
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 06.07.2015 17:14:34
© дата внесення змiн: 11.07.2015 19:42:49
автор: Aire Ni

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8 КороЛев, 04.01.2016 - 21:41
написати коментар
hi!) listen, here is my proposal - mainly, request):
if U like my critics of this text, let me have some others your works printed onto both sides of paper, "cause it"s really uncomfortable 4 me - to read them onto this micro_monitor. I"m telling U "bout your texts which are present onto this your personal page - various translations etc. I"d like to read them with much attention & care. What can U answer 2 me?)
good night, girl! Thanks 4 all)
Aire Ni відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
Hi dear,
Of course I can send you. I like your critics. Unfortunately, I'm a little bit sick. Terrible chesty coughs with steel after-taste, headache with high temperature (38,4-39,cool, algor and cardiodynia.
When I'm done with this troubles and will be able to go outside - I will send you everything)
Good night, boy. Kissing smile
8 КороЛев, 19.11.2015 - 18:42
написати коментар
нужно распечатать текст для качественного чтения; однозначно, грамматика не совершенна...сама найдешь изъяны?wink
заочно - неплохая работа, гуд.
Aire Ni відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
скажу сразу, не редактировала и писалось оно 2011 году) smile
Тетяна Мерега, 10.07.2015 - 01:47
Зародження любові між вампіром і людиною. Любителям жанру має сподобатися.
Цікава манера письма. Бачила щось схоже в сучасних прозаїків.
Досить екзистенційно.
Загалом хороша англійська, хоча допрацювати є що.
Успіху Вам з продовженням! give_rose
Aire Ni відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
smile Дякую) Допрацюю бо ж не редагувала з 2011 року, коли ще навчалася)

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